[tirrigh-heralds] My Device

Caitrina Sable Loat Caitrina at shaw.ca
Thu Jul 26 12:06:23 PDT 2007

Greetings your Highness,


I'm not sure if you have a consulting herald working on your behalf but I've
added your info into the Client Tracking System and put yourself as the
consulting herald for the time being.  If there is a herald that has been
assigned to you please let me know and I will update the system to get you


Yours in service,

Caitrina Sable Loat


From: collegeofheralds-bounces at tirrigh.org
[mailto:collegeofheralds-bounces at tirrigh.org] On Behalf Of Zoe Hall
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 3:54 PM
To: collegeofheralds at tirrigh.org
Subject: [tirrigh-heralds] My Device



I'm just having a look at Our Client Tracking Page. Looks great- but there
isn't a 'How to get Started' Section. I'd like to get started and this is my
device. Can someone help me in describing it and working through the steps
to get it registered?


Kind regards and yours in service,


Princess Tir Righ

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