[tirrigh-heralds] Heraldic Titles for Tir Righ

Richenda du Jardin richenda.du.jardin at gmail.com
Sun Apr 25 16:39:39 PDT 2010

On 4/25/2010 4:31 PM, Nancy Carr Zupanic wrote:
> Richenda wrote:
>> To construct a heraldic title, you need to demonstrate that it follows
>> a period form of construction. I don't see any way in which Spirit
>> Bear could be constructed following period practices (nor is it
>> actually a local creature - more like a minor deity of a sort, which
>> also would place it out of reach). Silver Bear would be a possible
>> construction you could justify.
> Oddly enough, it is actually the unofficial name of a local creature!

I'm sure it is -- but is the modern, unofficial (and possibly translated 
from a native language), which makes less likely to register. We don't 
have any evidence that the creature was known in period by any name and 
we can't support the construction spirit x. That's why I suggested an 
alternate name.

> The spirit bear is also known as the Kermode bear, which is actually a
> black bear with some kind of gene anomaly. Their population lives on a
> BC island. White Bear would have been a good alternative, but there is a
> registered household name of Fellowship of the White Bear....

That would be a conflict, but Silver Bear would be clear of it. I 
haven't conflict-checked it as I've been out all day.


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