[Hartwood] South Hartwood A&S (wow!)

Julie MacTíre redshasta at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 09:38:44 PDT 2011

There was a HUGE turnout for Hartwood's A&S last night, including several
newer people interested in heavy fighting.  We were amazed by the number of
people coming from West Hartwood and North Hartwood, which was TERRIFIC.

We're hosting A&S every week on Wednesdays *until Coronet* for the main
purpose of creating largesse to present.  However, after Coronet, we are
probably going to drop the A&S to twice a month or so, unless extended
interest is shown in it.

One question that came up is whether Hartwood would provide refreshments at
A&S or should a donation jar be present.  After we talked about it, Mischa
and I agreed that we would rather provide refreshments ourselves and
encourage people to bring snacks or drinks instead of donations if they want
to contribute.  We don't want to make people feel that they HAVE to bring
money or refreshments to come to A&S.

Thank you all for coming!

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