[Hartwood] Hallowe'en Party??

Valorie Lennox vlennox at pacificcoast.net
Mon Sep 26 09:09:26 PDT 2011

Like any other SCA-er who never quite managed to grow up, I LOVE Hallowe'en
(along with the social acceptance of wearing funny clothes among the general
I understand a Dark Night is planned for next year but - in the meantime - I
do not see a Hallowe'en Party on the calendar. So I thought I might offer to
host one as a house party with a BYOGFF (Bring your own goulish finger
I'd also love to find someone who can play the piano to add some extra
atmosphere, since there appears to be a 120-year-old reed organ in my living
room. It's a little wheezy but it works. :-) 
Halloween falls on a Monday. Any thoughts on a date? Should it be the
previous Saturday or Sunday? It could be an afternoon to early evening event
- p'raps on the Sunday - to allow for travel time and inclement weather.
Feed back please.
Keep well,
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