[Hartwood] Hartwood Party Invitation

Linda halima.dancer at gmail.com
Mon Apr 30 14:09:07 PDT 2012

Salaam aleikum, O Dearest Reader.

Isme Halima al-Rakkasa, more formally addressed as Sayyida Halima,
late of Dimashq, ten years after the fall of Maanzikert. My trade, a
trade like any other, is that of dancer, yet am I also called a teller
of fortunes; through such skills do dinars make lively my purse. My
dar is a beyt, its labour shared by Sahra (blessings upon her) and
this humble writer, from the spinning and weaving of our shelter to
the daily chores. Hospitality and the sharing of wisdom are precepts
of this dar, for poor in spirit is one who shares not of one's
blessings. And thirsty are those who have not tasted Sahra's mint tea!

Salaam aleikum = Peace be upon you.
Isme = My name is; I am.
Dimashq = Damascus.
Dar = house.
Beyt = tent.

In Hartwood, I live near the shortest river in North America.
I was lured into the SCA through Marina, Theodora/Antonia, Aleyn and
Anicia in 1995 through promises of much dancing; some of that has been
fulfilled! Then I discovered potential for unlimited learning at
reasonable expense from people who were passionate about reviving old
and ancient skills and wisdom, and the SCA became my heaven on earth.

In 1995 was also my first office in the incipient shire of Cragmere,
that of chatelaine... the steepest learning curve -ever-, because I
needed to know a bit of everything and where to find everything so I
could present a balanced view of SCA activities to newcomers, and help
them find their way into those activities.

My personal drive (I discovered) is to learn skills (almost -any-
skills) and then pass them along to someone/somemany else. If I know
it and you want to learn, ask.

My persona is based as far as feasible on a Dimashqi woman of 1085,
unfortunately orphaned yet fortunately lucky enough to manage life
without a tribe (usually a death sentence); she lives on the outskirts
but has long ears and a still tongue, moving and dancing along the
edges of society.

My interests are mostly textile (handspindle spinning, weaving
narrowwares and braids, dyeing), pewtercasting (in soapstone), and in
persona-related skills (cookery, calligraphy, Arab culture). There are
a few other things I've learned that aren't easily categorized, but
you can ask.

My current office is that of exchequer; I am always looking for people
to take over my office, which is essentially being knowledgeable about
financial policies (SCA, kingdom, principality, shire) and all SCA
laws relating to financial matters, able to manage a not-for-profit
bank account spread over a large geographic area, and having or
developing basic bookkeeping skills (training provided). Reporting
monthly to the shire and quarterly to principality/kingdom are
mandatory; lack of reporting will result in a suspended branch. I have
an open book policy: at most events, I have the journal with me and
will open it to anyone who asks to discuss anything therein.

Are you still reading? Excellent!


The sun on the hills tells me it is time to leave. Let us share some
incense, for after the incense, there is no sitting.


SCA: Halima al-Rakkasa
Apprentice to Mistress Gudrun
Member of GdS, JdL, Etoile d'Argent, Red Flame, Silver Pillar, Beacon
of Insula Magna
Shire of Hartwood
Principality of Tir Righ
Kingdom of An Tir

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