[Hartwood] Canine War A&S

Hartwood hartwood at tirrigh.org
Fri Sep 5 00:42:46 PDT 2014

Hey, where's the A&S competitions? ... Right here!

Doggie Barding

Barding was a way to armour horses and display heraldry. From decorated reigns to long and graceful cloaks over their hind quarters (Caparisons), horses have been dandied up for war and tourneys throughout the middle ages.

But why should they get all the fun?

Modernly there are many people who dress up their dogs, bling out their leashes or halters, and even have their dogs wear little booties in winter. Lets do it medievally -- with doggie barding!

Entrants will be judged on aesthetics (with bonus points for hidden functionality and other such cleverness) and documentation. "Oh no," you say! "Don't make me write all the words! They scare me!" Fear not! This competition is meant to be entirely tongue in cheek. We want to see your inspiration, and to follow your journey. This is a good time to -practice- writing documentation, without taking it too seriously. Verbal documentation is welcome too!

And, if you have no dog of your own to dress, some may be willing to lend you theirs (contact ahead of time!), or a stuffed doggie will do.


Saint Guinefort - A Dog in Any Medium

Dogs have long been considered man's best friend, and no dog embodies this more than 'Saint' Guinefort, a 13th century greyhound unofficially sainted by popular demand after he saved his master's infant son, only to be slain when his Master mistakenly believed he had eaten the child.

Painted, sewn, carved, or sung -- lets find a way to honour this noble hound, and all those dogs who provide such loyal and brave companionship.

Competition will be judged on how well it embodies the spirit of the theme, aesthetics, and period techniques.

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