[Hartwood] Seagirt A&S (to be held at their Yule) Dec 13th

John Mail lionsgater at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 18 14:07:49 PDT 2014

(Reposte with permission and note: I've checked with Their Excellencies Baron and Baroness Seagirt they would welcome a Hartwood challenge - John Macandrew).

<Not to be confused with Tir Righ A&S that is happening in a week and a half (Sept 27th)…>

 While we all have Tir Righ A&S on the brain, I thought I would drop this into everyone’s consciousness. The Baron announced a while ago that the A&S and Bardic Championships for Seagirt will be held at Yule, December 13th, this year. To that end, here is the format for the A&S competition:

Enter any 3 items you wish, one of the items doesn’t need to be finished and you need documentation for at least 2 of the items. 

 To elaborate, 

                Item 1: either an art or a science with documentation

                Item 2: either an art or a science with documentation

                Item 3: either an art or a science with or without documentation, can be unfinished. 

All entrants will declare their intent AT the event during court. There will be tables available to display your items and documentation. 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. I can be contacted at morgaine at ramst.ca 


 HL Morgaine Essex 

A&S Champion of Seagirt J

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