[Hartwood] Projects

Danielle Bevan dbevan at topfloor.ca
Tue Feb 2 09:24:12 PST 2016

We haven’t had anyone eligible for years, at least not that I’ve been informed of.

~ Cunegonda

> On Feb 2, 2016, at 9:11 AM, James Allan <jrallan333 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On the topic of tokens something that hasn't been done in years is the "stag tag"
> On Sunday, 31 January 2016, D Bevan <dbevan at topfloor.ca <mailto:dbevan at topfloor.ca>> wrote:
> We have a lot of projects on the Shire's to-do board. At the AGM people stepped up to help make these things happen, and I am hugely grateful. For those who weren't at the AGM, but may be interested in participating, here's some of what's up:
> Website re-write: We're going to be redesigning the website using very easy to use design tools to make it both more aesthetically pleasing, and easy to use. Hopefully it will be newcomer friendly and a place members can go to get official news and notices of practices and the like.
> -- Chaired by Aniko.
> Newsletter: Aniko needs articles, artwork, or photos for the newsletter. Feel free to email her any time.
> Tokens: The shire hasn't given out tokens of appreciation in a very long time. It's time to resurrect the practice. We'll be using some ideas from our history, and some completely new ones.
> -- Chaired by I've-completely-forgotten. Kjartan?
> Demo Kit: We did a LOT of demos last year. The Demo kit is a tub of items to fill up a demo table, so we aren't completely reliant on the same people showing up every time -- we know we'll have stuff to show off.
> -- Chaired by Halima.
> Map: Harold is going to look at creating a local, updated map for us.
> Newcomers Tabards: Hawa is going to look at creating tabards for newcomers out of the fabric that's already been purchased.
> War Tabards: Fabric to be purchased and tabards to be sewn for tabards large enough to fit over armour for the war field, so Hartwood fighters can go into battle looking like... Hartwood fighters!
> -- Chaired by Aniko
> Herald's Tabard: Sigrun has offered to create a fancy Heraldic tabard for the Shire Herald to out-shine every other shire's Herald. Because we are awesome.
> Painted Walls: The shire covets the fancy stone-effect painted sheets that certain other branches have. We will create our own, and they will be beautiful, and our events will be more awesome because of them.
> -- Chaired by Aline
> It's time for a Chamberlain Audit. If anyone that currently stores any of Hartwood's goods could photograph and itemize them, and send that list to Ulf, that would be terrific.
> Event Sites: We need to know what sites are available, at what costs, and what facilities they have. A sheet of questions to ask, as well as a brief informational packet to offer private land-owners on the SCA will be created so that members can get information for halls/sites in their local area.
> -- Chaired by Cunegonda
> Databases: We need resources for Event Stewards. They need to know what sites are available for events, and they need to know where the darned tablecloths are. An Event Sites, and Stores database will be created to make it easier on them.
> -- Written by Harold
> The shed needs moving. It's my understanding that Ulf and Sextus did this over the weekend, because they work fast!
> Youth Combat: We're interested in having it available. Sextus is going to work with Azemar and look into what needs to be in place for that to happen.
> Steward Handbook: A written guideline to Hartwood's events. When do our championships happen? What are the historical number of attendees? How do you put in a bid? How do you report afterwards? Lets make it as simple as possible.
> -- Written by Cunegonda & Symonne
> Contact Cards and Newcomer Vouchers: We're ordering more business cards to hand out to friends and those interested in what we do. We're also creating a voucher for a free first -Hartwood- event. These will be passed out to the populace.
> -- Designed by Aniko
> Some finished projects we wanted to recognize -- the beautiful Hartwood Banner for use at events, created by Aniko, and the concrete steps taken to getting thrown weapons happening in Hartwood by John, who's arranged for the purchase of iron key and is getting instructors for us. Also, the Championship belts, crafted by Attius, which will make their debut at the TUTR event in April!
> Other ideas: A guestbook at demos/newcomer events, a shire motto, and some open discussion about baronial interest vs a healthy shire. Look for some of these to be broken out into other conversations over the next month.
> Thank you to all the volunteer coordinators, and those working with them. You make this shire function. You make us awesome.
> For those who weren't at the meeting, I'm SURE that many of these project leads would welcome more helpers. Don't think because you didn't make a single meeting that there's no place for your input or creativity! Reach out to the coordinators, or if you don't have their contact info, to me. And finally, I know that there are some people who aren’t even on email lists (through no fault of their own *cough*Shaw*cough*). If you know someone who’s not traditionally ‘in the loop’, please, PLEASE, print off the event dates email, and maybe this one, and help them connect with us. Thank you.
> Cunegonda the Spammy
> Seneschal of Hartwood
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