[Hartwood] Zuul's application for Hartwood Herald

doerksen at island.net doerksen at island.net
Thu Aug 4 13:02:35 PDT 2011

At the Shire level (I don't know about higher) you do not need to be  
an officer to vote for a new officer... though being -in- the branch  
does count in your favour!


Thu 04 Aug 2011 12:31:53 PM PDT, quoting Edward Verhagen  
<wobbleygoose at yahoo.com.au>:

> Wish I was an officer to vote for Zuul, sorry Dori, but Zuul does  
> have some abilities that you do not.
> Edward
> om> wrote:
> From: Julie MacTíre <redshasta at gmail.com>
> To the Shire of Hartwood,
> I, Zuul the Gatekeeper of Gozer, wish to submit my application for  
> Herald at this time.  Admittedly, I have much less experience than  
> others of this Shire, having confined my period activities to being  
> the object of worship of various Mesopotamians, Sumerians and  
> Hittites as early as 6000 BC.  As someone well-versed in early human  
> history, I believe I bring valuable experience to the position of  
> Hartwood?s Herald. 
> Until my re-emergence in 1984 to function as the second half of the  
> pair of demigods who can open the door to allow Gozer the Gozerian  
> access to the human world, I have been largely absent from this  
> dimension.  However, I do not think of this as a negative, but  
> rather as a plus.  Due to my absence, I have not absorbed any  
> erroneous ideas about SCA heraldry or period naming practices and  
> can bring the freshness of new eyes to the position, along with the  
> heady sulphuric smell of the underworld.
> My abilities to possess a human form can be very convenient when  
> dealing with Heraldic ?red tape? and getting names and devices  
> pushed through quickly.  With my demonic soul inhabiting that of a  
> top-ranking Herald in the SCA when I am not fulfilling duties that  
> require me to be in corporeal form within Hartwood, I can gloss over  
> deviancies from period nomenclature and  
> less-than-three-points-of-difference in heraldic submissions.  Some  
> may say that my methods are ?unchivalric?, but I view them more as  
> ?strategic?.
> Other skills and abilities I bring to the position of Herald are my  
> beast form of Terror Dog, my wall-destruction capabilities and my  
> ability to assist in opening portals to other dimensions.  While  
> they are not specifically supporting the position of Herald, they do  
> help get Council moving along the lines of the schedule.

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