[Hartwood] this could be something we get involved in

Hartwood hartwood at tirrigh.org
Thu Jun 19 19:08:35 PDT 2014

Dancing has, historically, been difficult for Hartwood to get together. Another option (which could be just as difficult) would be some sort of weaving demonstration (though other groups may be doing this?) If we had a boffer marshal by then, and we were able to get as much space as dancing requires, someone could teach some foamie sword work?

Just a few ideas.

~ Cunegonda

On 2014-06-19, at 6:13 PM, Hartwood wrote:

> i want to reiterate i’m sharing the meeting notice to get some thoughts stirring among us for Culture Days 2015
> a cross between a demo and a free tutr:  maybe?  i’m just brain storming for one-two day possibilities while sharing a venue with other groups.  i thought of having people stationed at the games tables that would teach and play the game with anyone that comes up.  dances where SCAers would partner with public while the caller gives instruction.  the idea is that it takes place at the downtown nanaimo library/diana krall plaza (this may be different next year).   I just thought dance and or games would generate the most public interactivity and wouldn’t require a huge space/maintence.   of course dancing requires space but we could do intermittent dancing, giving other groups/public room to use the plaza
> -Lady Freydis
> From: Hartwood
> Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 5:32 PM
> To: hartwood at tirrigh.org
> Subject: Re: [Hartwood] this could be something we get involved in
> Dad owns his own business and is a member of a community committee that takes him away one thursday a month up to campbell river. Not just the unemployed, but also those in a managerial position and thus are able to schedule such appointments for themselves... and anyone who doesn't get a weekend off, but rather random days during the work week (like me, when I was working in Victoria)... 
> Our communities are too diverse now to schedule something with any hope of guaranteed attendance. Just gotta pitch something and hope.
> As to the event itself, would our contribution be kind of like a cross between a demo and a free tutr?
> ~ Cunegonda
> On 2014-06-19, at 9:52 AM, Hartwood wrote:
>> On the plus side, it could be a useful way of drawing more potential members. Presumably, people attending this event will be those interested in the arts, which
>> tends to characterize many of our members.
>> I just get a tad frustrated by organizations that schedule their organizing meetings to exclude people who work but hey - their loss of a sizeable chunk of the population.
>> Otherwise, worth considering when the date doesn't conflict with a major island event.
>> Keep well,
>> Val (who is only commenting at this time because I'm currently stumped on how to untangle a wall of text.)
>> From: Hartwood [mailto:hartwood-bounces at tirrigh.org] On Behalf Of Hartwood
>> Sent: June-19-14 7:45 AM
>> To: Hartwood
>> Subject: [Hartwood] this could be something we get involved in
>> From: Nanaimo Arts Council
>> Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 6:59 AM
>> To: Rosemary
>> Subject: Culture Days Nanaimo
>> Culture Days is committed to reaching the goal of having all Canadians in every community declaring “I Love Culture” and making culture a daily habit. 
>> Activities can be really simple as long as they are:
>> A) Free
>> B) Interactive
>> C) Registered on the Culture Days website.
>> This is a great way to take advantage of national promotion to grow a grassroots, cultural event the community will look forward to every year. A group of people have come together to facilitate the growth of Culture Days in Nanaimo; we have                                  been brainstorming activities and ways to collaboratively promote the event. We have come up with the idea of creating a “Culture Days Hub” at the downtown library that include various activities in one location; making events more easily promoted and accessible to the community. This location will also build on the Arte de Carnavale event that has taken place in the Diana Krall Plaza for the last two years.
>> As a group we hope to connect people and resources - if there is a need for your event, such as people, expertise, advice, materials, etc., you can circulate your needs to this group and we will all try to help you fill it. We will also promote the event as a whole by creating a group poster (new this year) and on social, and other media, using the national event registry as our guide for what is happening.
>> Next meeting is Monday, June 23rd, 3pm-5pm at the Downtown Library. If you would like to be added to the e-mail list or would like more information, contact Sarah at the Nanaimo Arts Council.
>> 250-729-3947 or admin at nanaimoartscouncil.ca
>> www.culturedays.ca
>> CultureDaysNan 
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