[tirrigh-heralds] Heraldic Titles for Tir Righ

Richenda du Jardin richenda.du.jardin at gmail.com
Sun Apr 25 08:14:13 PDT 2010

On 4/25/2010 12:31 AM, Teceangl wrote:
>> I'm not sure of the whole Heraldic Titles versus Order Names with one being
>> registered so it's assumed it can be used for the other... or something...
>> it's late.  But would there be an issue with us submitting Raven Herald as
>> the Order of the Raven is already registered to the Barony of Raven's Fort
>> via Ansteorra?
> What?  Where?
> *heqadthump*
> I missed that entirely.  Yes, that's a problem. Designators (Shire of,
> Order of, Herald, etc.) are transparent for purposes of conflict, so
> they've got Raven.
> My fault for a sloppy conflict check, I'm sorry.

I'm not so sure that is the case here. Given that it's Barony of Raven's 
Fort, "fort" is fulfilling the same function as "keep" in Canton of 
Border Keep. Neither "fort" nor "keep" are designators in these names, 
so they should act as a second element in the name, making it clear.

I know that's clear as mud given that "Keep" and "Fort" both can act as 
designators in some names, particularly old ones.


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