[tirrigh-heralds] Heraldic Titles for Tir Righ

Mark Hood mhood at shaw.ca
Sun Apr 25 09:36:05 PDT 2010

With all respect: it ain't gonna happen.

This list scares people.  You have to be a herald, and you have to know 
what you're talking about before you post anything.

Okay, I know that's not true, but it's certainly the feeling of a lot of 
people.  This is the "Official List" of the College of Heralds.  The 
boardroom where the important people meet.

The Facebook group is the lunch room.  It's an informal gathering of 
people who are interested, and want to hash-out ideas or thoughts.  In 
fact, it's very much like the SCA College of Heralds Facebook group that 
was started by Laurel, and contains many of the people here.  It's not 
official, it's just a place to talk.  In the same manner that some 
people aren't going to join a social networking group, many people 
aren't going to join yet another email list.

I see the FB group as a recruiting tool for the Tir Righ heralds, and a 
place to make them feel comfortable.  You can keep conversations in 
separate topics, rather than one string.  You can post pictures.  You 
can convince people that they ARE heralds, after all.  You can get more 
people interested in signing up on the list.

Both the email list and the FB group are tools for heralds to use, and 
perhaps by getting people to use the one, they'll be more interested in 
the other.


Judy Harcus wrote:
> Teceangl wrote:
>>> Thanks Richenda :)  We have a FaceBook Group as well for those who prefer
>>> that means of communication and have posted the link there as well.
>> Please keep discussion here.  Social networking sites should never
>> circumvent the official mailing lists, and if the discussion moves
>> many of us won't follow it, meaning you'll be taking it away from some
>> of the expertise available.
>> Besides, when there's a perfectly good list, it ought to be used.
>> - Teceangl
> The trouble I find is that when you have multiple formats for 
> communication, discussions get split between the two so information 
> doesn't get out uniformly.
> I'm stuck with a slow dial-up connection so I stay clear of facebook 
> and similar sites.  I wasn't even aware there was one for Tir Righ 
> heralds.
> I second Teceangl's request that we keep discussions confined to this 
> list.
> Alicia
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