[tirrigh-heralds] [antir-heralds] Incoming Silver Yale Herald of the Principality ofTir Righ

Morel Carr Zupanic bear_necessities at telus.net
Mon May 14 22:36:58 PDT 2012

Caitrina Silver Yale wrote:
The deadline is upon us and as a decision has been made I see no reason
to wait to let it be known.  I am very pleased to announce that the HL
Doireann Dechti of the Shire of Hartwood will be the new Silver Yale
Herald upon my step down in June.

I thank you warmly for your kind introduction.  I can't thank you enough for 
all of the hard work you have done for the College of Heralds.  You have 
laid a very solid foundation for all of the good things that are happening, 
and are yet to come, and I look very forward to building on it.

Three cheers for our most amazing outgoing Silver Yale!

Yours In Service,
Doireann Dechti 

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