[Hartwood] Daffodil Merchant Info

Rebecca Burley becca25331 at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 29 05:58:27 PST 2012


I'm happy to announce that we have six
confirmed merchants this year for Daffodil, though I'm still waiting
on a response from a couple. To this end, I would like to tell
everyone that there won't be an ATM at the site; please bring money
if you think you'll want to buy something. I can pretty much
guarantee that you will likely. I'd recommend $100, but you should go
for something within your budget. 

There will be cookies available for
donation; I'll be making sugar cookies, chocolate chip, oatmeal
raisin, and possibly bringing other baking I'll have time to make. I
will be making an effort to make each type gluten-free for those that
need it. These will be available at the cookie table, not passed
around by the children that are helping. If there is something you
like, let me know. 

Please check out the Merchant page on
the Daffodil site to see what some of the merchants will be
providing. It will be updated as we get more pictures and sites from
our merchants.

On a final note, if you are considering
merchanting at this event and are hesitant because you don't want to
miss out on watching the action, let me put that to rest. The
merchant tables will be set up between the feast area and the
fighting areas. If you would like to merchant and fight, please find
someone to cover your table while you're showing off your stuff! I
would be happy to help in any way I can.
Merchant fees cost $10. There will be
power, although it's discouraged, that is an additional $10. We will
provide a table, but you can have up to three. I will be there early
to set up the site with other helpers; the first comers get the best
spots, so please keep that in mind.
If anyone has any questions regarding
this, don't hesitate to e-mail me or message me on facebook. My
e-mail address should take you to my page.

Herdís Biarnardóttir


n. a nonconformist with artistic or literary interest who disregards conventional standards of behaviour.
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