[Hartwood] [EVENT] Spring TUTR Registration is OPEN

Danielle Bevan dbevan at topfloor.ca
Mon Mar 18 15:40:23 PDT 2013

Registration is now open.

Due to behind-the-scenes tomfoolery, when you go to the Schedule page you will find yourself magically transported to another server -- topfloor. Don't panic! Everything is -just fine-. (The mailserver we were using was just being snobbish about authenticating Tir Righ's server.)

Looking for class descriptions? Click on the class name within the calendar, and a window will open offering you the details -- unless you have javascript disabled. Then there is no love for you. (Actually, there is; just click the link provided in the opening paragraph of the schedule page. Et viola -- a list of class descriptions with none of my fancy new-fangled javascript.)

When registering, you SHOULD get an email within a few minutes. If you don't, chances are you input your email incorrectly. Chances are also good the Registrar didn't get it either; double-check your information and try again, or contact Dori directly.

Also when registering, don't cut the cheque until Dori confirms class space is available. (This shouldn't be an issue early on -- in a week, moreso).

If you have ANY difficulties/questions/confused where to go, please don't hesitate to email or call me -- details are to the right of every page.

Thank you, and happy registering.

~ Cunegonda/Danielle

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