[Hartwood] Thank-you for doing the demo!

doerksen at island.net doerksen at island.net
Sat Feb 15 17:46:05 PST 2014

Greetings, all!

An excellent demo at Cumberland's Heritage Fair! We have received two  
thank-you notes for our participation, talked to many people, and  
handed out some contact cards. (We need more contact cards...)

Thanks to these people (in no particular order)...
Rachanda of Locksley - wore full Elizabethan, causing drooling in  
current/future costumers; also for staffing the display
Muirgen/Kathy Fisher? - armour display and presentation coordinator;  
staffing; dressing Catherine?
Greg - assisted Muirgen
Sgain/Mark Sim? - armour display; presentation participant
Kjartan/Jamie Prowse? - Norse display; brought crossbow, causing much  
discussion before we were fully set up; staffing
Aline/Allison Seez-Mail? - banners; staffing
John/John Mail-Macandrew? - 'Mary Rose' display; kumihimo display and  
demo... creating future string people
Catherine - staffing and general enthusiast
Morel Ardell Carr? - ensured we had the big banner
Miranda & Sienna - demonstrating board games

Thank-you, all, for making this such a pleasure!

Thanks, also, to Prudence O'Brennon? for getting this going.

(I brought stuff, too: textiles of various sorts [dye projects caught  
the eye], book arts, and some miscellaneous to "fill the holes".)

I missed seeing the presentation; what happened?!?

in joyful service,

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