[Hartwood] Oct Council Notes

D Bevan dbevan at topfloor.ca
Sun Oct 30 18:52:59 PDT 2016

So... that did not go quite as planned. The conversation was so good, council went a wee bit longer than expected! Thanks to Wendy for taking notes. For now, here's the Seneschal's scribbles:

Heartfelt gratitude to our upcoming Seneschal, Aline de Seez; our upcoming Minister of Stables, Ulf Treteljgar; and our new Chief Chucker (name is a work in progress) Harold of Hartwood! Huzzah to them stepping up and helping the shire continue to grow and flourish.

The Duncan Kerfuffle, to be held May 5th in Nanaimo, was approved at Council, stewarded by Gwynafel. Lets get a little island war on, oh yeah...

We have a lot of charters to paint for Yule -- if you're interested in painting one... or five... contact Mistress Halima!

Speaking of painting, the herald has a project in mind, and we'll like to get a sense of who may be interested in participating. Stay tuned for a poll. 
Both Yule and TUTR are looking for setup/cleanup crew. Yule is also looking for someone to manage the Gift Exchange, and a prize for the Filk contest. TUTR is looking for assistance with organizing the potluck. Please contact Symonne du Bois <https://www.facebook.com/symonne.dubois> or Annie Ardell Carr <https://www.facebook.com/morel.carr> respectively.

As suggested, we may have a site for winter practices/A&S! I just need permission to sign the darned contract. ; But it's looking great, and the folks who checked it out seem to feel it's a great space!

Thank you to all who came out and stuck through it.  Lots of conversation happened about family activities, too. All in all, a great meeting.

~ Cunegonda
Seneschal of Hartwood
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