[Hartwood] Minutes forOctober and November Meetings

jpclark jpclark at shaw.ca
Sat Jan 14 21:02:18 PST 2012


I’ve cut and paste the minutes for October and November because other methods don’t seem to be working... My printer isn’t working so this is the best I can do right now.  
I have worked for the past 6 days and I’m very tired, so I’m off to bed ... If you have any questions I’ll be at the meeting on Sunday.

Hartwood Council October 2/2011


Officer Reports: Written Reports

A&S: Saturday 8/ 2011 

Chatelaine: Presentation and written report

Chronicler: Requests copies of written reports be sent to her. Asks for newsletter contributions.

Exchequer: $2745.18 in bank (includes presold tickets for White Court.

William the Arrowmaker of Lionsgate – donated safety netting. 3 used 3 new. Vince Matthews of Steelbash Armouries of Hartwood – donated knees for largess. 

Herald: Badge proposals are under way. Call for Voice Heralds

MoS: There is an interest in fighting 6 in armour and 5 more sharing helms.

Family Activities Coordinator : Activities at White Court – sugar cookies decorated with icing – crafts table and colouring pages needs volunteers - will send report – Zoe – Crafts supplies- Scathach and Elizabeth can donate supplies– Marina was dean of pages.

Old Business

1. Vote For Herald: HL Morel applies – Accepted by consensus

2. Call for Deputy Voice Heralds : Anya Tecia Wickington possible – Charles will not be official but will volunteer.

3. Armada Post Mortem $311.00 Camping 12 adult 2 youth day tripping : 12 adults 3 youth Seagirt: 5 Hartwood 23 Tir Righ 1, An Tir : 1 Expenses $77.15 net profit $233.85 numbers were over estimated by double – expenses will change for next year. Archery was populour as was the boat races but other fighting not represented. Scout Camp Only charge for camping not day trippers. Site could be choice for future events. Alternating with Ravens War or new event?

4. Ravens War Post Mortem for Straight and Arrow: Event Proposal a bit vague – needs work on reconciliation – was done without Marina and Halima - Have them doing events with more experienced people. 

There were 20 adults camping. No youth Day tripping. 16 adults 1 youth no children: non members surcharge from 14 ($5) $70 gate $417 Hartwood's take – $45.06 net profit $500 advance – no budget 

  5.. Charter Committee Report: Revised Charter read by William the Archer – Discussion.

  Halima meetings discussed- Suggest moving dates of general meetings to before reporting so signatures can be gotten. Middle Oct Jan April, July... Marina - Publish Charter in Newsletter, Website and List and ask to send in comments. Mistress Cecille – prefers more details – will research. - Tabled awaiting more information.

6. Monthly Skype Meetings: Marina would like to get together on months when there is no meetings - suggest: Sunday Nov 27th will check Seagirt TUTR date

New Business

1. Largess Chest: Cecille -We need to maintain it - Building upon book skills – doing more books and printing out pages in advance (belt book ex – target archery handbook: guild info) Include areas for notes and scores or ? Cooks book, Feast Book, Camping, Newbies, Dancing – event checklist. Stuff needed too. Prizes needed too

2. Event Proposal Format: Halima has forms – if you want to do an event must fill out the form.

Demos for 2012- two years ahead – event steward and rough date so we can have idea – Halima – Feb April Aug Oct need a schedule – Tabling November on skype until more info available

Form for local events created?

Nov 6th– Household meeting – Return of Halloween – 1 to 7

  3.. Event Bids: Tabled to November

  4.. Principality Bids : Tabled to November

Demo by January in three areas

5. Demos – Elsbeth – need contact in Hartwood North and West – lives in Hartwood South.

Video presentation

Date for Next Meeting: Jan 8th – Tentative - Errington

Meeting Adjourned: 1:49pm

Hartwood Council Meeting by Skype on Sunday Nov. 27th at Taleah Cristea’s

Present in the North are Jennifer, Linda, Jamie,  John, Allison, Zoe, and Miranda.

In the West are Shirley, Taleah,  Amber, Jean, and Shirley

In the South are Julie, Mischa and Valorie

Technical difficulties delayed starting.

Old Business

-  Would like to change date of TUTR to April from March – difficulties finding a hall

- Kjarten and Dori need to find a new date in April – Would like to move Heraldic Symposium to same date – can it be done - Ask Dori if set date.

- Principality Seneschal  was phoned - says Heraldic Symposium can be moved April 13/14th – need to find location – 6 rooms – Elizabeth can talk to Navy League.  Marina will check North Island College.

- Scathach – Churches don’t have enough rooms – VIU should be checked too – Cunagunda Will check Courtenay -  Cunagunda

New Business

-  Need to have  a summer event – need event proposals.

- Camp Gillwell  proposed  site and Ravens Key Castle site for –proposed Insula Magna week event – see about Insula Magna covering cost – Check with Roberto about site being large enough 

-  Other Events

- Pas in Insula Magna Event – Seagirt paying the bills – Seth doing it in February

- Elsbeth – Deed to have demo date for each area – needs somebody to be connection for each area – Sara for Hartwood suggested

- Summer – Elizabeth suggest first year for Insula Magna be at Ravens Key site – Really booked up in July and August table wk event for next year instead – 

- Aug 11/12th – Need someone for Camp Gilwell  - Cecille and Halima –

- Black Knight – Oct 13th Symonne -  Event Steward and Elizabeth co event steward – West Hartwood –  Council around noon the same weekend.

- White Court – 2012 – December –8th – Scathach and Mischa

- Cunagunda wants newsletter box delivered at Yule

- Symonne is A&S Deputy – email addresses and phone # sorted out – messages not getting through

- Halima – would like to add demo info for Feb 25th –Heritage day fair in Cumberland -  asking for entertainment – small stage - fighting? Need to talk to Ian and Elzbeth to see if feasible – Possible small archery, small dance and small fighting – Mischa may be able to get Hartwood  - get fighters out – 10 am to 4pm

Adjourned 8:23 pm
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