[Hartwood] [Discussion] June Novus Event

Danielle Bevan dbevan at topfloor.ca
Sun Mar 17 21:24:48 PDT 2013

I mentioned at council that I'd love to run a Novus event June 29-30 in the Nanaimo area. For those who weren't there or didn't hear my explanation, it's a newcomers event where we teach the 10 1-hour TUTR classes that comprise the Novus Diploma, then have a revel/potluck to put it all into practice. I'm hoping for a fighting workshop of some sort as well, for Sunday afternoon/Friday evening.

Attilla has been looking for a place for us to camp (including looking into the cost of biffies if additional). It may be a bit rough, because getting proper campground space in June might be hard so we may be utilizing a field, which may ALSO mean packing in our own water. But hey, it's not like we haven't done that before. (ToA, anyone?)

The Classes include:

Basic Heraldry
Persona Development
Basic Research and Documentation
Basic Calligraphy
Introduction to Dance
Introduction to Garb
Introduction to Fabric Choices
SCA Combat Forms
SCA Structure
Chivalry and Etiquette


I have a line on two instructors willing to cover four classes: Halima has offered to teach Persona Development & Dance, Desamona has offered Fabric Choices & Garb. Everything else is wide open. I believe it was Zoran who asked if I required a resume, and it's nothing quite so formal, but we DO require a class proposal which is just a blurb about what topics you expect to hit on (so we actually know bases are covered). That form can be found here: http://tirrigh.org/tutr/forms/TUTR_Class_Proposal.pdf 

Yeah, theres going to be a lot of STUFF that needs moving around. For example: We have 3 costco tents in the shire. I think I will want to utilize at least two of these as classroom/dining hall, perhaps even the third as a kitchen. If it's a field, we'll have to tape out the areas we'll have camping vs the flat space we want reserved for dancing. I am ABSOLUTELY going to need strapping young people with stronger backs than mine to assist me with setting up and tearing down; it simply cannot happen without that! This also includes signage, which needs to be a Nanaimo local. Seriously, you don't want me directing traffic; just ask anyone I have ever tried to navigate for.

Seriously considering putting gate at one end of the classroom, so they can sit in/participate without leaving their post. That having been said, I still need a handful of volunteers willing to sit shifts here.

Yeah, the early riser job. Classes will start at 9; people should be breakfasting by 8. Thats going to require a morning wakeup call. You may get a bit of abuse Sunday morning, but -I'll- have a special treat for whomever volunteers for this one.

For Saturday Dinner (Potluck? Feast ticket? Has anyone ever done a feast while camping? Hrm, need to think about this.) and revel, I'd actually like to attempt a served meal, and this is why -- assigned seating. We'd put the newer people in clumps of their friends, but I'd take some volunteer oldbies who would pick up and move down a few spaces at the start of each course, with the idea that we all get the opportunity to meet, talk, and get to know people we may not have.

Bardic? First Garb? If it's a private property we may even have a brewers competition, as I know some of the guys down south are interested (if that's legal. Is that legal? Hrm). Talk to me! It should be some kind of introduction to competitions, or a fun excuse for us to dig out the very first bit of embroidery we ever did and make newer people realize no one starts awesome. (Well okay, /some/ of us do...)

I would love for this to be an event where people who are in class all day just don't have to worry about their meals. I also enjoy the idea of everyone eating together! Cost for day food would be over and above cost of the event, but I'd love to keep it as low/accessible as possible. If anyone is willing to oversee this, please send me a menu and proposed costs. This would be awesome.

Here's the thing, these 10 1-hour classes are cool and all, but where's the 'Intro to Games', or 'Intro to Bardic'? They're not a requirement for Novus, but they're pretty cool -I- think. Even if you aren't into the classes (though hey, how many of us oldbies can say we have the diploma? Come sit in on them anyway for the fun of it!), it would be awesome if you were there showing off what you -do-. Drop spindles, a display of glasswork, inkle weaving, sprang, fletching, woodwork... any activity where someone may stop and go 'what on -earth- are you doing to that piece of string?!' For me, the SCA has opened me up to an amazing number of crafts I'd never even considered. Come show people the possibilities.

Also, your banners. I really only love you all for your heraldry. ;) And if you have period tents at all, PLEASE bring them, even if it's a pain -- we'll find someone to help set them up.

Yeah, uh, if you have that skill, you come talk to me please? Thanks. :D

*** OFFICERS ***

It would be lovely if as many of you made it as possible, even if only for the Sat. night dinner. Even if you can't, things I'll need:

Seneschal: Approval! And probably a million questions as I go. And to point and laugh at me.

Exchequer: Money! And reminders that I need float, the proper gate forms, and help reconciling. Yes, I know you'll have stepped down by then, but.

Stores: Assistance in locating and arranging the transport of items I'll need. Perhaps also a reality check vis a vis, "You didn't ask for x. Are you suuuure?"

MoS: Depending on the space we wind up with, some kind of a fighting seminar for Sunday afternoon -- perhaps even a Pas? Have your people talk to my people. :)

Head Archer: Depending on space, a drive-by of the site at one point to determine if it can be set up to safely hold any kind of archery.

A&S: Competition advice. I've never run them. HALP!

Chatelaine: I am hoping a certain Miss Pru may have gotten in her application by then. ;) This event is ALL about the chatelaine position, so... yeah. Whomever fills this position, please be my new best friend and we'll figure it out together?

Family Services: Some of the older kids may want to take the classes. Some of the younger ones will not want to. IF we manage to pull the interest of the homeschool group, then the kids activities will suddenly take on a lot more importance, and it may be cool for some of it to reflect a bit of what the adults are doing; heraldic colouring pages, a dance, some period games. But if that happens that is definitely more than one person can handle, so lets talk, and lets recruit.

Herald: If we could have some of the heraldry books for people to flip through, that would be terrific, especially for the Basic Heraldry class. 

Chronicler: I'm thinking you should just be prepared for a whackload of photos. Yes, thats a technical term.

*** END ***

I'm sure I've forgotten a tonne of things, but thats what I got for now! So, DISCUSS! (No really, if no one comments I'll cry.)

~ Danielle/Cunegonda
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