Past Champions of Tir Righ

Heavy Champions

(The Guardian of the Spear, The Scourge of Tir Righ)

Sir Mikolaj Thorkelwicz (Thornwold)

The Principality of Tir Righ

28.Ieuan Gower
27.Sir Duncan MacKinnonAugust 2017
26.Ciaracan Na TragaAugust 2016
24.Ieuan Gower29 August L/2015
23.Arminius Scorpius23 August XLIX/2014
22.UlfR Blodfotur Fallgrson25 August XLVIII/2013
21.Ciaracan Na Traga25 August XLVII/2012
20.Owain ap Einar26 August XLVI/2011
19.Kheron Azov28 August XLV/2010
18.Kheron Azov29 Aug XLIV/2009
17.(UlfR steps down, Kheron invested)6 Sep XLIII/2008
15.UlfR Blodfotur Fallgrson10 May XLIII/2008
14.Ieuan Gower26 May XLII/2007
13.Savaric de Porte des Lions13 May XLI/2006
12.Kheron Azov14 May XL/2005
11.Owain ap Einar13 Jun XXXIX/2004
10.Owain ap Einar24 Apr XXXVIII/2003
9.Kheron Azov26 Apr XXXVII/2002

The Crown Principality of the North / Tir Righ

8.Hwolf Einarsson9 Jun XXXVI/2001

The Northern Region

7.Einar (Oak) Guntharson23 Jul XXXV/2000
6.Einar (Oak) Guntharson11 Jul XXXIV/1999
5.Thorvald HwolfssonAug XXXIII/1998
4.Owain Pelorran (Owain ap Einar)XXXII/1997
3.Thorvald the Gentle (Thorvald Hwolfsson)XXXI/1996
2.Einar (Oak) GuntharsonXXX/1995
1.Gaylen the Smiling24 Sep XXIX/1994

Rapier Champion

(The Guardian of the Rapier, The Scar of Tir Righ)

MoD Kian O’Ruadhri (Barony of Lions Gate)

24.Gemma Delaroche 17 Feb 2023
23.Kian O’Ruadhri
22.Ewein Whowood
21.Seamus McKinneach20 Feb L/2016
20.Kian O’Ruadhri21 Feb XLIX/2015
19.Matthias Blennerhasset22 Feb XLVIII/2014
18.Guidobaldo Marco Odo Romeo d’Aquila16 Feb XLVII/2013
17.Enoch Jacobsz van Zuidenland19 Feb XLVI/2012
16.Godfrey von Ravensburg5 Mar XLV/2011
15.Draven McRaith20 Feb XLIV/2010
14.Guillemin de Rouen22 Nov XLIII/2008
13.Lucien de la Montagne d’or17 Nov XLII/2007
12.Draven McRaith18 Nov XLI/2006
11.Enoch Jacobsz van Zuidenland19 Nov XL/2005
10.Guidobaldo Marco Odo Romeo d’Aquila20 Nov XXXIX/2004
9.Lasairiona inghean Uilliam na Seoltadh22 Nov XXXVIII/2003

The Crown Principality of the North / Tir Righ

8.Guidobaldo Marco Odo Romeo d’AquilaNov XXXVII/2002
7.Diarmuid de Rosas9 Jun XXXVI/2001

The Northern Region

6.Kallyn Rozvardo23 Jul XXXV/2000
5.Godfrey von Ravensburg11 Jul XXXIV/1999
4.Bob of BoarstuskAug XXXIII/1998
3.Artimis de MontessoriXXXI/1996
2.Iain Archibald Guthrie19 Apr XXXII/1997
1.Caoimhin ToirdhealbachXXXI/1996

Archery Champion

(The Guardian of the Bow, The Scorer of Tir Righ)

Lord Gunnar Stigandsson (Lions Gate)

The Principality of Tir Righ

24.Drekah Thoreson
23.Viggo Knout
22.HL Athelina Grey17 Feb LI/2017
21.Richarde Touchet20 Feb L/2016
20.Wulfwyn of Meduseld29 Aug L/2015
19.David of Tiriane23 Aug XLIX/2014
18.William Sutherland24 Aug XLVIII/2013
17.David of Tiriane25 Aug XLVII/2012
16.Aline de Seez (formerly Ealeen)23 Sep XLVI/2011
15.John Dougall MacAndrew of Ross of Balnagowan25 Sep XLV/2010
14.Thomas of Appledore26 Sep XLIV/2009
13.Mikhail Kurganovic07 Sep XLIII/2008
12.David of Tiriane15 Sep XLII/2007
11.Kenneth of Shaftesbury16 Sep XLI/2006
10.Aline de Seez (formerly Ealeen)17 Sep XL/2005
9.John Dougall MacAndrew of Ross of Balnagowan8 Sep XXXIX/2004
8.Anika Styfe14 Sep XXXVIII/2003

The Crown Principality of the North / Tir Righ

7.Aline de Seez (formerly Ealeen)14 Sep XXXVII/2002
6.Eammon RyanXXXVI/2001

The Northern Region

5.Einar (Oak) Guntharson23 Jul XXXV/2000
4.John Dougall MacAndrew of Ross of BalnagowanXXXIV/1999
3.Valentyne DelancieXXXIII/1998
2.John Dougall MacAndrew of Ross of BalnagowanXXXII/1997
1.Carlton of OakXXXI/1996

Arts & Sciences Champion

(The Guardian of the Book, The Scholar of Tir Righ)

Lady Beatriz of Lions Gate (Lions Gate)

The Principality of Tir Righ

26.Isabella da FirenzeLV/2020
25.Lucy HolgroveAug 24 LIV/2019
24.MorweenaSep 22, LIII/ 2018
23.Connall MacLagmaynLII/2017
22.Sine Gunnsdottir (Royal Artisan)Sep LI/2016
21.Hawise le Wollemongere26 Sep L/2015
20.Elena de Maisnilwarin27 Sep XLIX/2014
19.Violante von Oesterreich28 Sep XLVIII/2013
18.Porzia di Corbino Rosso27 Oct XLVII/2012
17.Ciana de’Libri22 Oct XLVI/2011
16.Nadirah bint Tariq23 Oct XLV/2010
15.Aelana Cordovera25 Oct XLIV/2009
14.Anastasia Aleksandrovna Andreeva22 Nov XLIII/2008
13.Safiye Konstantiniyye17 Nov XLII/2007
12.Gwyneth Gower26 May XLII/2007
11.Caoimhinn ingen Domnaille18 Nov XLI/2006
10.Gwyneth Gower22 Apr XL/2006
9.Adwen Wrenn9 Apr XXXIX/2005
8.Magdelena Kress27 Apr XXXVIII/2004

The Crown Principality of the North / Tir Righ

7.Tanikh bint Farida al Bakim26 Apr XXXVII/2003
6.Thorin Olafsson15 Sep XXXVII/2002
5.Thorin Olafsson9 Jun XXXVI/2001

The Northern Region

4.Sarra du Corbelle23 Jul XXXV/2000
3.Yrsa Kettilsdottir11 Jul XXXIV/1999
2.Daniel of StaffordAug XXXIII/1998
1.Aelana Cordovera15 Feb XXXII/1997

Bardic Champion

(The Guardian of the Horn, The Skald of Tir Righ)

Lady Mhairi Nic Chamarran (Hartwood)

The Principality of Tir Righ

19.Theodora van Zeeland
18.Athelina Grey
17.Brynja Kortsdottir
16.Juliana Badelle26 Sep L/2015
15.Wulfstan Hrafnsson28 Sep XLVIII/2013
14.Chiara la Fiamma27 Oct XLVII/2012
13.Thora Golvik22 Oct XLVI/2011
12.Chiara la Fiamma23 Oct XLV/2010
11.Wulfstan Hrafnsson23 May XLIV/2009
10.Sionann in Ui Fhlaithbheartaig12 Apr XLII/2008
9.Stephen of Hunmanby14 Apr XLI/2007
8.Danika Poecile du Lenora16 Sep XLI/2006
7.Charles le Verdier18 Sep XL/2005
6.Sverra the Skald19 Sep XXXIX/2004
5.Stephen of Hunmanby14 Sep XXXVIII/2003

The Crown Principality of the North / Tir Righ

4.Bernadette Ebhilín Árd14 Sep XXXVII/2002
3.Anya Rozvardo9 Jun XXXVI/2001

The Northern Region

2.Petro Rosvardo Thorvaldson23 Jul XXXV/2000
1.Justin de Leon11 Jul XXXIV/1999

Thrown Weapons Champion

Lord Adalwolf Jeger (Seagirt)