
Mikolaj Thorkelwicz

Basic Persona is 16c Polish, but we are expanding to other garb and time periods during the reign.

Lightweight Clothing (I run warm)
Colors: Black, Dark Colors, Jewel Tones

Over Fitted Clothing
Clothing that doesn’t breath well.
Colors: Orange and Pastels
Medical Needs/ AllergiesUses Inhaler before fighting, Chlorpheniramine Maleate 4mg is preferred allergy Med, Ibuprofen or Naproxen is preferred pain killer
FoodSour Candy
Meat and Cheese
All Dressed Chips
Nuts, Protein Heavy food
Spicy Food
Trail mix
Hot sauce for extra flavor!
Bell Peppers
Pineapple on Pizza
Not a big sweet tooth
BeveragesMost Beers
Rye and Irish Whiskey
Coffee (Lattes and Mochas)(Vanilla/hazelnut for lattes)
Water (Sparkling and regular)
Protein Shakes
Sport drinks of the red/white/blue “flavors”

Jadwiga Radomyskowa (They/Them)

Using the title “Princeps” during the reign, not Princess.

Costuming:Warm Stuff, Layers, Fur, Any Period, Pelts, AmberBeing Cold
Prefer Clothing that can easily be washed
ColourLove Purple Blue and Orange together Glow in the Dark I love most colorsPastels
OtherI love unicorns and cats! Collect Bones and Furs
Medical Needs/ AllergiesLactose Sensitive, allergic to Sulfa
Charcuterie-type foods (cured meats, cheese, olives, veg)
All Dressed Chips
Hand Pies, Sweet or Savory
Pineapple on pizza
Flavor-blasted goldfish crackers
Peaches Fake Blueberries Raw Onions and Peppers Fish 
BeveragesCoke-Cola Scotch Rum Coffee (just started drinking, flavored lattes,  must have milk alternative) Mint Cocoa (must have milk alternative pref for Soy or Oat, otherwise everyone is sad lol) Water (Sparkling or otherwise)Pepsi
Diet Soda of any kind
Coffee flavoured beer
Not a big fan of a lot of homebrew
We live with cats and a dog, and as such we come with pet fur, if anyone is allergic to animals they should be aware